2023 Call for Symposium Papers
The 2023 Theological Symposium will be held on October 2-3 on the campus of RandallUniversity in Moore, OK. Papers are presently being received and will be accepted throughMonday, July 3. Papers (or abstracts) may be submitted to Cory Thompsonat fwbtheology@gmail.com. Other questions may also be submitted to this same…
2018 Symposium Set
Jackson Watts Plans for this year’s Theological Symposium are underway. Our event will be held on the campus of Randall University in Moore, Oklahoma on October 22-23. This year we have opted to have an open program, meaning there is no specific theme which papers submissions must conform…

More Symposium Content
by Theological Commission Recently we enjoyed another excellent Theological Symposium. For those who weren’t able to enjoy it in person or online, we have more Symposium content we’d like to make available. For a Digest of Papers, please place your order through emailing fwbtheology@gmail.com. You can also indicate…

Symposium Program Live Stream
by Theological Commission The 20th annual Free Will Baptist Theological Symposium will be held next Monday and Tuesday on the campus of Welch College. Activities will take place in Memorial Auditorium. Sessions will be Live-Streamed at our New Facebook Page. Click Here to Join the Live Streams 10/24/-10/25. You…
Symposium Program Now Available
by Theological Commission The 20th annual Free Will Baptist Theological Symposium will be held next Monday and Tuesday on the campus of Welch College. Activities will take place in Memorial Auditorium. Below is this year’s program. We hope to have you with us for this special event, considering…