2023 Theological Symposium | Adam Blehm, Defining “Man” and “Woman:” A Comparative Account of Gender
Adam Blehm, Defining “Man” and “Woman:” A Comparative Account of Gender. Blehm showed how the Bible doesn’t define gender per se. Instead, it defines man and woman in relation to one another as image-bearers.…

2023 Theological Symposium | Jacob Jones, The Pericope Adulterae: John 7:53-8:11
Jacob Jones, The Pericope Adulterae: John 7:53-8:11. Jones discussed the canonicity of this disputed passage and a parallel in the Apocrypha. …

2023 Theological Symposium | Josh Phillips, Jesus and the Synagogue in Matthew’s Gospel
Josh Phillips, Jesus and the Synagogue in Matthew’s Gospel. Phillips explained the significance of the synagogue during the life and ministry of Jesus.…

2023 Theological Symposium | Denny Kuhn, The Evilness of Evil: Reassessing the Problem of Evil in Contemporary Philosophical Dialogue
Denny Kuhn, The Evilness of Evil: Reassessing the Problem of Evil in Contemporary Philosophical Dialogue. Kuhn explored how the existence of evil is a type of moral argument for God’s existence. …