Pastoral Theology and Change: Part 2

by Jackson Watts What’s in a change? We never truly know until we enter into the crucible which is change. As I explained in my previous post, church leaders (especially pastors) face numerous challenges in the course of leading God’s flock. Among them is the difficult task of helping implement change. This change operates both on the level of personal …

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Individual Election, Corporate Election, and Arminianism

by Matthew Pinson There is a flurry of activity at present from quarters in the Arminian theological community on the doctrine of corporate election. The exponents of this view are able and must be reckoned with, both by Calvinists and Arminians who emphasize the individual, personal nature of election to salvation. However, to hear some Arminians talk, it is almost …

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Announcement: The 2016 Theological Symposium

by Commission The Commission for Theological Integrity is pleased to announce its plans for the annual Theological Symposium later this fall. The 2016 program will be held on the campus of Welch College on October 24 and 25. This year’s theme is “The Theological Legacy of F. Leroy Forlines.” Like past symposia, this year’s event will feature an array of …

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Free Will Baptist Theology and ETS mp3s

As a follow up to an earlier post describing the relationship of Free Will Baptist scholars and theologians with the Evangelical Theological Society, we offer the following presentations from the 2015 conference. All of the recordings are available here. Matt Pinson (President of Welch College; Commission Chairman) – “Reformed Arminianism: A Non-Wesleyan Appropriation of the Legacy of Arminius.”” Matthew McAffee …

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Interpreting Doctrinal Statements in a Shifting Evangelical Landscape

by Kevin Hester Recently, I have been working with an ad hoc committee for an evangelical organization tasked with considering admission standards. For many years, this organization has espoused a basic Evangelical statement of faith as the basis for membership. Institutions and groups have been asked to sign the statement yearly to indicate continued compliance. But recently, some groups not …

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