Introducing De Doctrina

From the Editors The Free Will Baptist Commission for Theological Integrity has long published an academic journal, Integrity: A Journal of Christian Thought. The journal’s purpose has been to expose Free Will Baptists to important theological trends impacting the Christian world and to provide a Free Will Baptist perspective on theological and cultural issues. Over the last several years, commission …

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Join Us in Tampa for “The Bible and the Body.”

From the Editors For decades the Commission for Theological Integrity has been sponsoring seminars at the annual NAFWB Convention. As one longtime Commission member likes to say, “We were doing these before they were cool.” It’s true, but we’re grateful for these opportunities for training Convention attendees to think and serve well in God’s world. This year the Commission is …

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On Creatureliness

W. Jackson Watts Over the last 15-20 years I’ve spent an extensive amount of time reading, thinking, and occasionally writing about the interrelated themes of creation, culture, and creatureliness. Some of my interest in these was no doubt always latent, given that I was raised in a rural, agrarian region, and specifically on a family farm. Yet the more academic …

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Symposium: Call for Papers

The 2024 Theological Symposium will convene on October 7-8 on the campus of Welch College in Gallatin, Tennessee. Paper proposals or abstracts can be sent to Symposium coordinator, Cory Thompson, at Submissions should be made no later than June 1. Papers on various topics will be considered, but special preference will be given to papers on topics related to theological …

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Matthew Barrett’s Forlines Lecture Series

Kevin Hester The Forlines Lecture Series at Welch College is named for long-time faculty member, dean, and Free Will Baptist theologian F. Leroy Forlines. It began in 1993 as a means of drawing leading scholars to campus to speak on emerging theological and cultural issues of the day. The series resumed in fall 2023 after a brief hiatus. This resumption …

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