by Theological Commission
Recently we enjoyed another excellent Theological Symposium. For those who weren’t able to enjoy it in person or online, we have more Symposium content we’d like to make available. For a Digest of Papers, please place your order through emailing fwbtheology@gmail.com. You can also indicate if you’d prefer a PDF downloadable copy. For direct download access, you can click here and order through our new online store.
In the meantime, below is more free audio content from our event. One is the chapel presentation co-presented by Matthew Steven Bracey and W. Jackson Watts, editors of The Promise of Arminian Theology: Essays in Honor of F. Leroy Forlines. The second is a presentation given by Andrew Harrison, a pastoral staff member at the Madison FWB Church in Madison, Alabama. Harrison, a first-time presenter, gave a paper which elicited a great deal of discussion during the Q&A time. We think you’ll enjoy it.