From the Editors
For decades the Commission for Theological Integrity has been sponsoring seminars at the annual NAFWB Convention. As one longtime Commission member likes to say, “We were doing these before they were cool.” It’s true, but we’re grateful for these opportunities for training Convention attendees to think and serve well in God’s world.
This year the Commission is pleased to have Chris Talbot of Welch College presenting a seminar entitled, “The Bible and the Body: Theological Clarity in a Confused Culture.” Talbot is a professor, program coordinator, and campus pastor. He also brings years of reflection about and involvement with student ministry to the table. More recently, he has been nearing the end of a Ph.D. in Apologetics and Culture from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Talbot is especially interested in the thought and legacy of Francis Schaeffer, and the broader intersection between theology, culture, and ministry.
His seminar will be held in TCC Ballroom B on Monday at 1:30pm. Please note that this session is an hour and a half as it entails a lot of substance but is also followed by an extended Q&A session moderated by Commission member W. Jackson Watts.
Followers of the Commission will likely notice our emphasis on theological anthropology this year. Our fall symposium will feature papers largely connected to this doctrinal area, and that event will also feature a panel discussion on a widely discussed book in that subject area. More details are forthcoming.
Join us in Tampa for this important time of learning for church leaders, parents, teachers, and others.
Keep reading for more upcoming announcements from your Commission for Theological Integrity.