Symposium Recap – Cultural Evolution and the Documentary Hypothesis
by W. Jackson Watts Raven Tuttobene, a graduate student at Welch College, presented a paper entitled “I Love Lucy: Assumptions in Using Cultural Evolution as the Basis for the Documentary Hypothesis.” We’re always pleased to have first-time presenters on our program, especially ones who can further expose some…

Symposium Recap: Jesse Owens on the English General Baptists
by Rodney Holloman Jesse Owens’ excellent presentation at the 2017 Symposium countered the “ahistorical” assertion that all seventeenth-century Arminians were rationalists. This seemingly unchallenged dogma is represented as he takes issue with (among others) Richard Muller and his book God, Creation, and Providence in the Thought of Jacob…
2017 Symposium in Review
We recently enjoyed an excellent symposium. In subsequent weeks, we will be providing summaries, video content, and further reflection on the presentations given at our meeting. For today, enjoy Jesse Owens’ excellent paper on the English General Baptists. Jesse Owens: English General Baptists: The Arminian Anti-rationalists…
2017 Theological Symposium Program
by W. Jackson Watts It’s time once again for our annual Theological Symposium. We’re pleased to be hosting this year’s event on the new campus of Welch College at 1045 Bison Trail in Gallatin, Tennessee. For our out-of-town guests, we recommend you consider booking your lodging at the…

More Symposium Content
by Theological Commission Recently we enjoyed another excellent Theological Symposium. For those who weren’t able to enjoy it in person or online, we have more Symposium content we’d like to make available. For a Digest of Papers, please place your order through emailing You can also indicate…