2018 Symposium Program and Additional Details
by Theological Commission Randall University October 22-23, 2018 Monday Evening 6:00 – 6:15 Welcome & Prayer – Matthew Pinson, W. Jackson Watts 6:15 – 7:05 Jeff Blair – Cultivating a Culture of Wisdom in the Local Church 7:05 – 7:20 Refreshments and Discussion 7:25 – 8:15 Christopher Talbot – Practicing Theology…
2018 Symposium Information
Jackson Watts October is coming, which means that this year’s Theological Symposium program is coming together quickly. I’ve been encouraged to have had the opportunity discuss this event with many prospective presenters and attendees over the last few months. I think those who make the trip will be…
2018 Symposium Set
Jackson Watts Plans for this year’s Theological Symposium are underway. Our event will be held on the campus of Randall University in Moore, Oklahoma on October 22-23. This year we have opted to have an open program, meaning there is no specific theme which papers submissions must conform…
2017 Symposium Recap: Adam Holloway on Presuppositional Apologetics
Matt Pinson The burden of Adam Holloway’s well-done paper was to make a case that presuppositional forms of apologetics are the most effective type of apologetics in dealing with the postmodern condition. Holloway aimed to show in the paper that an approach to apologetics that starts with the…
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2017 Symposium Recap: Joshua Colson on Calvin’s View of the Supper
Matt Pinson Josh Colson presented a well-written paper at the 2017 Theological Symposium on Calvin’s view of the Lord’s Supper. The purpose of the paper was to study Calvin’s view of the Lord’s Supper and make applications to the Protestant debate on the Supper, with special reference to…