2015 Theological Symposium, Video, and Social Media – Day 2

Kevin Hester – Trinitarian Preaching: On the Father, In the Son, and Through the Holy Spirit Dr. Hester’s paper was recently published in the Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry Jackson Watts – Singleness as Discipleship Matthew Bracey – Discipleship in a Changing Legal Landscape Gregory Hollifield – Pericope by Pericope: Transforming…

A Trinity in Name Alone is Not Enough

by Kevin Hester In October of this year, Christianity Today reported the findings of a recent LifeWay Research poll commissioned by Ligonier Ministries. The poll was targeted at the evangelical community and surveyed a number of key theological topics and concepts including God, the person and work of…

Evangelism in the Post-Christian West

2014 Theological Symposium Announced The Commission for Theological Integrity invites you to take part in the 18th annual Theological Symposium, October 27-28, on the Campus of Welch College in Nashville, Tennessee. This year’s symposium will explore “Evangelism in the Post-Christian West” and will include a panel discussion featuring…
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