News from the 2016 Convention
by Theological Commission Recently the Commission for Theological Integrity was pleased to be a part of the 2016 FWB National Association meeting in Kansas City, Missouri. This was the 80th meeting of the National Association, and the first time the Convention had met in Kansas City since 2004.…
Free Will Baptists and ETS
by Theological Commission The relationship between Free Will Baptists and the evangelical academy is an interesting one to consider. Though space does not permit such an exploration here, theologians and Bible scholars like Robert Picirilli and Leroy Forlines have made profound contributions to our body of scholarly literature that…

2015 Theological Symposium, Video, and Social Media – Day 2
Kevin Hester – Trinitarian Preaching: On the Father, In the Son, and Through the Holy Spirit Dr. Hester’s paper was recently published in the Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry Jackson Watts – Singleness as Discipleship Matthew Bracey – Discipleship in a Changing Legal Landscape Gregory Hollifield – Pericope by Pericope: Transforming…
A Trinity in Name Alone is Not Enough
by Kevin Hester In October of this year, Christianity Today reported the findings of a recent LifeWay Research poll commissioned by Ligonier Ministries. The poll was targeted at the evangelical community and surveyed a number of key theological topics and concepts including God, the person and work of…
Evangelism in the Post-Christian West
2014 Theological Symposium Announced The Commission for Theological Integrity invites you to take part in the 18th annual Theological Symposium, October 27-28, on the Campus of Welch College in Nashville, Tennessee. This year’s symposium will explore “Evangelism in the Post-Christian West” and will include a panel discussion featuring…