On Creatureliness
W. Jackson Watts Over the last 15-20 years I’ve spent an extensive amount of time reading, thinking, and occasionally writing about the interrelated themes of creation, culture, and creatureliness. Some of my interest in these was no doubt always latent, given that I was raised in a rural,…
Favorite Books in 2023: Part 4
W. Jackson Watts Each year I produce a list of the best books I read in the past calendar year. I simply don’t have the luxury of confining myself to those titles only published in that specific year, though obviously some of them are quite recent. I increasingly…
Biblical Manhood and Womanhood in Today’s Context: An Urgent and Relevant Imperative
W. Jackson Watts (Editor’s note: This post is the fifth in a five-part series of talks given by the members of the Commission for Theological Integrity at this past National Association in Birmingham. Prior talks/posts can be found here, here, here, and here. Please note that this material wasn’t…
Male Headship in 1 Corinthians 11:3-16
Cory Thompson The meaning of words matters, especially in the biblical text. The authority of the Bible is a critical issue that confronts every age. To faithfully follow the Lord Jesus is to faithfully follow his Word. To faithfully follow the Lord Jesus and his Word, the Christian…
We Need to Listen to Carl Trueman
Matt Pinson Carl Trueman, who teaches at Grove City College and is a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, is an increasingly rich source of wisdom for evangelical Protestants. A recent piece I read of his in First Things is very good and can be found here. While readers…