Millennials: They’re So Hard to Figure Out
by Matt Pinson “We do face a danger, of course, when attempting to group individuals in a certain generation using sweeping generalizations. We risk missing the beautiful diversity of each generation, and the beautiful uniqueness of each person.” —Jon Nielson Recently I read a short article on the…
Pastoral Theology and Change: Part 3
by Jackson Watts Change is inherent to the nature of salvation; repentance itself implies real spiritual change. So it should be no surprise that the congregational life of saved persons also must undergo certain changes in its ministry sometimes in order to better foster growth, discipleship, worship, or…
Nervous about Numbers
by Kevin Hester Numbers can be depressing. When we hear that over half of all marriages end in divorce, we cringe. It doesn’t help that some versions of the statistics show that Christian marriages are no better. What about church attendance? A 2007 LifeWay Research Study documented that…
Pastoral Theology and Change: Part 2
by Jackson Watts What’s in a change? We never truly know until we enter into the crucible which is change. As I explained in my previous post, church leaders (especially pastors) face numerous challenges in the course of leading God’s flock. Among them is the difficult task of…
Favorite Books in 2015
by Theological Commission It is the time of year when many readers are finishing up their last minute Christmas shopping. But by now, many who read blogs will also be seeing “Top Books” lists of many shapes and sizes. Sometimes these can be difficult to wade through as…