Christians and Cultural Transformation
by Matthew Pinson (the following is a blog post originally published here on the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission blog; ) I recently listened to a podcast of the White Horse Inn in which Michael Horton featured the ongoing transformation of Mackenzie University, a prestigious…
Deus in Machina: Reading (and Studying) the Old, Old Story on your Tablet
(Part 1 of 2) by Kevin Hester As a non-digital native, whenever I think of Scripture I envision my first “real” Bible. It was a red-letter, leather-bound, Old Scofield Reference Bible. I still have it and I still use it from time to time though its condition is…
Pastoral Theology & Change
by Jackson Watts One of the most frustrating aspects of Christian leadership—and pastoral ministry in particular—is the challenge of leading congregations through change. By change we mean either the 1) introduction of something new to the church’s life, 2) reformation of an existing aspect of a church’s ministry,…
A Radical Call to Love God and Do What You Will
by Kevin Hester I have two college-age sons, one in high school, and one in middle school. They have been raised in a Christian home and my wife and I have prayed that they would find and pursue God’s will. They seem to be trying, just like most…