Introducing De Doctrina
From the Editors The Free Will Baptist Commission for Theological Integrity has long published an academic journal, Integrity: A Journal of Christian Thought. The journal’s purpose has been to expose Free Will Baptists to important theological trends impacting the Christian world and to provide a Free Will Baptist…
Favorite Books in 2023: Part 2
J. Matthew Pinson On Teaching Children to be Christians A Look at Matt Markins, The Faith of Our Children: Eight Timely Research Insights for Discipling the Next Generation (D6 Family Ministry, 2023) Very few are the children’s ministry books that place emphasis on deep biblical and theological teaching.…
First Timothy 2:11–12 and the Ordination of Women
Matt Pinson (Editor’s note: This post is the fourth in a five-part series of talks given by the members of the Commission for Theological Integrity at this past National Association in Birmingham. Prior talks/posts can be found here, here, and here. Please note that this material wasn’t originally…
What Does the Christian Tradition Say about the Ordination of Women?
Kevin Hester When discussing the ordination of women from a historical perspective there is a theological tension that must be observed. This tension is tested at various points by cultural perspectives that at different times and in different eras tend to push the discussion in different ways.…
What is Complementarianism?
Rodney Holloman With so many controversial subjects such as the war raging in the Ukraine, the complete polarization of politics in the West, rampant plagiarism in the pulpit, and even more recently, the role of winsomeness, the Commission for Theological Integrity decided to address a topic that would…