2017 Symposium in Review
We recently enjoyed an excellent symposium. In subsequent weeks, we will be providing summaries, video content, and further reflection on the presentations given at our meeting. For today, enjoy Jesse Owens’ excellent paper on the English General Baptists. Jesse Owens: English General Baptists: The Arminian Anti-rationalists…
Niebuhr on Theological Education
by W. Jackson Watts It is common to modern American religious experience to consider the relationship between the Church and the Academy. Specifically, what is the proper relationship between local churches and Christian colleges, universities, and/or theological seminaries? I’m often interested to see how people from the past…
Arminian and Baptist: A Review
by Theological Commission Occasionally members of the Commission for Theological Integrity publish articles, essays, book reviews, and full-length books. As this occurs we hope to keep readers abreast of these developments, especially if they will be useful and informative. We see this as an extension of our work of being an…
The Meaning of Baptism (Part 2 of 2)
by Kevin L. Hester In my previous article, we examined the theological significance of baptism. We saw that baptism provides a picture of salvation from repentance to consummation in the resurrection of the last day. Baptism teaches us that our salvation comes by virtue of our union with…
A Note on the Passing of Theologian Thomas Oden
by W. Jackson Watts I was saddened, along with many others, to learn of the recent passing of Thomas Oden. Oden was arguably the most prolific, conservative Methodist theologian alive at the time of his death this past Thursday. Mark Tooley, a colleague of his, has published a short tribute to Oden at the…