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Can You Be a ‘Reformed’ Arminian? An Interview
Theological Commission Many of our readers will be interested in a video that can be found here. It is a recent interview of Commission chairman Matt Pinson entitled “Can you be a ‘Reformed’ Arminian?” In this video, Pinson engages in a casual conversation with Southern Baptist pastor and apologist Nicholas…
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Making Sense of Religious Liberty
Jackson Watts Recently a friend of mine at the Helwys Society Forum, a site I also contribute to, called attention to Robert Louis Wilken’s book, Liberty in the Things of God: The Christian Origins of Religious Freedom. I had somehow overlooked this title, though I had admired Wilken’s…
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Early Christian Views on Creation: Part 2
Kevin Hester (Part 1 of this two-part article appeared last Tuesday). In my last post (or part 1) we examined the philosophical background of the early church that influenced the way in which they examined biblical references to creation. Their responses to Atomism (Naturalism) and Neo-platonism demonstrated how…
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Early Christian Views on Creation: Part 1
Kevin Hester Modern evangelicals regularly engage in robust discussions with naturalists and with Christians who promote other, non-literal interpretations of the Genesis account. Many conservative Christians often wonder how creation has been understood throughout Christian history. As a historical theologian who focuses upon the early church, I am…
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Conferences, Podcasts, and Piper on Sovereignty: A Reply
W. Jackson Watts I was recently listening to some online sermons that were given at the Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference. All of the speakers were household names, and none more familiar than John Piper. Piper is now retired from active pastoral ministry after decades at Bethlehem Baptist…