Ancient Wisdom on 2 Timothy 4:2

W. Jackson Watts One of the striking qualities of the New Testament is how practical it is concerning the office of elder/overseer/pastor. This claim of practicality may seem strange. After all, we regularly have about the pastorate which the Bible leaves unanswered: how much should we pay a…

Favorite Books in 2024: Correcting Imbalances

Matt Pinson This year I’ve particularly enjoyed a handful of books that I think address imbalances or “pendulum-swings” in thought and practice. It should go without saying that there are things that all these authors assert in these books that I am completely opposed to (not to mention…

What I Like (and Don’t Like) about Non-Penal-Satisfaction Theories of Atonement

Matt Pinson Reformed Arminians emphasize what Leroy Forlines called the penal-satisfaction model of atonement. (Forlines, with scholars like Charles Hodge, J. I. Packer, and Thomas Oden, liked this more precise phrase that refers to what most people call penal-substitutionary atonement.) I have discussed this approach elsewhere at greater…

Matthew Barrett’s Forlines Lecture Series

Kevin Hester The Forlines Lecture Series at Welch College is named for long-time faculty member, dean, and Free Will Baptist theologian F. Leroy Forlines. It began in 1993 as a means of drawing leading scholars to campus to speak on emerging theological and cultural issues of the day.…

What Were the Reformers Doing?

W. Jackson Watts A Brief Comment on Matthew Barrett’s The Reformation as Renewal Matthew Barrett is a name worth knowing. Barrett is a theology professor at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He’s perhaps the most prolific younger theologian in the Baptist orbit these days. His Amazon page is rather…
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