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Memento Mori
by Randy Corn Recently while reading Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs, I came across the Latin expression memento mori. Isaacson explains that when a Roman general returned victorious from battle he was given a Triumph, a grand parade, where many gifts and honors were bestowed upon him. …
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Millennials: They’re So Hard to Figure Out
by Matt Pinson “We do face a danger, of course, when attempting to group individuals in a certain generation using sweeping generalizations. We risk missing the beautiful diversity of each generation, and the beautiful uniqueness of each person.” —Jon Nielson Recently I read a short article on the…
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Our Fears Betray Us
by W. Jackson Watts (this essay first appeared on the Helwys Society Forum on November 16; It has been republished here with permission) In the days following the election of Donald Trump, thousands of opinion pieces have appeared in newspapers, periodicals, and online news outlets. Such pieces range…