Favorite Books in 2023: Part 5
Kevin Hester Each year the members of the Commission for Theological Integrity highlight a few of the books they have been reading over the past year. This year, I wanted to spend a little extra time discussing two books that have helped me think more clearly about my…
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Favorite Books in 2023: Part 4
W. Jackson Watts Each year I produce a list of the best books I read in the past calendar year. I simply don’t have the luxury of confining myself to those titles only published in that specific year, though obviously some of them are quite recent. I increasingly…
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Favorite Books in 2023: Part 3
Rodney Holloman For many years, I have tried to enter January focusing on the Lord and His attributes by reading A.W. Tozer’s seminal works, The Knowledge of The Holy and The Pursuit of God. Tozer’s writing always challenges me. Even though I have worked through these numerous times,…
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Favorite Books in 2023: Part 2
J. Matthew Pinson On Teaching Children to be Christians A Look at Matt Markins, The Faith of Our Children: Eight Timely Research Insights for Discipling the Next Generation (D6 Family Ministry, 2023) Very few are the children’s ministry books that place emphasis on deep biblical and theological teaching.…
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Favorite Books in 2023: Part 1
Cory Thompson (Editor’s note: Over the next few weeks several Commission members will be sharing some of their favorite books they read in 2023. As we always say, inclusion of a title in no way signals a blanket endorsement by the individual Commissioner, or the Commission as a…