Free Will Baptist Theology

Kevin Hester & “Trinitarian Preaching”

by Theological Commission

Recently the Commission for Theological Integrity hosted its annual Symposium on the campus of Hillsdale FWB College. Among the many excellent papers presented was Dr. Kevin Hester’s entitled “Trinitarian Preaching: On the Father, in the Son, and through the Holy Spirit.” It was extremely well-received, and we’re happy to provide you with the audio file of this presentation. You can listen/download here.

Additionally, a paper copy of this presentation, along with the rest of this year’s papers, can be acquired by ordering a copy of the Digest of Papers. Checks for $20 (which includes S&H) can be made out to the ‘Commission for Theological Integrity,’ and mailed to the attention of Mrs. Martha Fletcher at 3606 West End Avenue, Nashville, TN, 37205. Notify us at if you’d like to place an order, and please provide your mailing address in the email.

Thank you for your interest.

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