2023 Symposium Meets at Randall University
by Dr. Jackson Watts
The theological symposium, sponsored by the Commission for Theological Integrity, met October 2-3 on the campus of Randall University. Approximately 80 attendees from five states gathered for this annual event. For many, this was their first experience at a symposium. For many others, it was the first time they had attended in years. They were not disappointed.
All Symposium Sessions Youtube Playlist*
The following presenters and topics were included in this year’s program:
Denny Kuhn, The Evilness of Evil: Reassessing the Problem of Evil in Contemporary Philosophical Dialogue. Kuhn explored how the existence of evil is a type of moral argument for God’s existence.
Josh Phillips, Jesus and the Synagogue in Matthew’s Gospel. Phillips explained the significance of the synagogue during the life and ministry of Jesus.
Jacob Jones, The Pericope Adulterae: John 7:53-8:11. Jones discussed the canonicity of this disputed passage, as well as a parallel in the Apocrypha.
Adam Blehm, Defining “Man” and “Woman:” A Comparative Account of Gender. Blehm showed how the Bible doesn’t define gender per se. Instead, it defines man and woman in relation to one another as image-bearers.
Alejandro Johnson, The Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture: Antiochene Theōria as a Viable Hermeneutic for Today. Johnson explained an ancient school of interpretation which broke free of the dominant allegorical approach.
Matthew Bracey, Robert E. Picirilli’s Contribution to Philosophical Worldview Thinking. Bracey surveyed Picirilli’s contributions to the subject of philosophy by way of his long-used, unpublished manuscript.
Joshua Hunter, Maimonides and Arminianism: The Great Rabbi’s Views on Free Will and Baptism. Hunter showed how a revered Medieval rabbi proves to be an unlikely but interesting conversation partner for Free Will Baptists.
Eddie Moody, Is Moon’s MINCE Approach a Viable and Biblical Model to Help with Church Revitalization and Church Planting Efforts? Moody outlined a proposal by Jay Moon for how churches can maintain financial viability and serve their communities in creative ways.
Jason Myers, A Theology of the Body and Its Interpersonal Implications. Myers concluded the symposium with a provocative account of the body, and how a careful reading of Genesis 1-2 and married relations confirm the beauty of God’s plan for human embodiment.*
This range of topics garnered much discussion during the Q&A portion of the program, as well as meals and breaks. Many Randall University students attended, as well as church leaders and laymen.
The Commission for Theological Integrity also held its annual meeting, which included plans for some events and resources in 2024 and a new publication, De Doctrina.
Next year’s symposium will convene on October 7-8 on the campus of Welch College in Gallatin, Tennessee.
Paper proposals or abstracts can be sent to Symposium coordinator, Cory Thompson, at fwbtheology@gmail.com. Submissions should be made no later than June 1. Papers on various topics will be considered, but special preference will be given to papers on topics related to theological anthropology.
To purchase of a digital digest, visit https://www.fwbtheology.com/product/2023-symposium-digest-digital-pdf/
*Unfortunately, the last session (Jason Myers) did not have audio on the recordings.